11 December 2008

Proton Shaver

Freewrite #3: Still Life

"Neon diagonal interrupts barrel aging. Flying buttresses surround neat, never over, with inappropriate flexible membranous vacuums. Walls of narrative, of unique snowflakes and falling frogs and Irish avengers; one of verticum and another wonders why on this night we use pillows and dip parsley. Spires dance with ease of tubery, testament to blue or brown or clear or some manner of bitey burn. Aged woodstock tells stories of tartan bound bags, Colonels and divorcers, lager and high-sticking, and of course the occasional porcelain-bound king. Plasticene green means sweet and sour power, man of the hour, cactus cowers before topless vestibules of imbibed embarassment. Yet the strong downward slice of verdant ice makes one ponder an empty vessel."

Just a little experiment to pass the time whilst at home.


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