29 APRIL 2006
I hate to get ranty. Well...I hate to get ranty to
you, dearest blog. You listen so well and I just hate that you're the only one I trust enough to tell all the bad things. I wish you could hear the great things about my life like you deserve.
You don't tell anyone what I tell you, do you blog? Because certain accidents could happen if, in fact, you do.
Where was I...ah, yes. Me with the ranting and the writing.
I often get fixated on a very specific thing that is said or done, especially when it is:
A) Repeated ad nauseum and
B) Mind-bogglingly wrong.
Have I found such an example, say you? Quiet! say I, I'm getting to that part. It starts where all festering sores upon the disease ridden flesh of discourse start: It starts with Bill O'Reily.
I could've sworn Uma Thurman was in some movie about killing Mr. O'Reily with a Samurai sword, but her target could well have been David Carradine (they look so much alike). Unrelenting and still with all of his limbs unfortunately intact, Bill O'Reily is a forerunner for misrepresenting major religions by putting his beliefs under their name. Especially
my religion, which I happen to know is something VERY different from what Mr. O'Reily thinks it is.
My main argument focuses on Bill's use of the term "Judeo-Christian", a term which, in almost every situation, has almost no value. Do Judaism and Christianity have a lot in common? Sure they do. But not to the extent that people like Bill O'Reily think that they do. My favorite (and, for brevity's sake, only) example is sex. Now, the Chritianity that Bill chooses to misrepresent has some rather strict views on sex. No sex outside of marriage, sex is for procreation, gay sex is a sin, etcetera. What really grinds my gears is when, in an argument or rant, Bill drops a bomb that is not unlike my small paraphrased tidbit:
Homosexuality is an affront to the Judeo-Christian views of marriage and sex.
Exsqueeze me? Did I just hear the terms "Judeo-Christian" and "marriage and sex" joined together like gay citizens can't be? (oh, burned) What in G-d's name do Judaism and Conservative Christianity have in common with regards to sex? Last I checked, the reason for waiting until marriage to have sex in Judaism is NOT to create a family, and that sex is BY NO MEANS just for procreation. Oh no. See, in Judaism, sex is HOLY. It is a serious, intimiate, mandated bond between two souls that is too powerful to be trifled with (hence the marriage thing). A Jewish man, according to Jewish law, is COMMANDED to have sex something like four times a week or SEVEN if he doesn't work full-time. That's right. Jews are commanded to have sex, on average, once every day or two. That's a LOT o' boinkin' your significant other. On the Sabbath, you know, day of rest, sex doesn't count as work. Actually, you're supposed to DEFINATELY have sex on the sabbath. If you don't have sex on any other say of the week, you get down and dirty on saturday.
I'm not even going to go into things like the Union for Reform Judaism (or the National Reform Council, I can't find the gorram book with the quote) supporting homosexuality (and bisexuality and such) with biblical counterclaims to all the "homosexuality is a sin" arguments. That's a whole 'nother rant. It's just that when guys like Bill O'Reily and Sean Hannity and Hell, maybe even Rush Limbuagh tack my religion onto their twisted, perverted version of Christianity (for more perversion of Christianity, see Wagner, Richard) I begin to feel like my beliefs are being violated.
My faith is not yours, Mr. O'Reily. You'll never read my little blog but I will shake my fist at the blank area in front of my computer screen that symbolizes your face. My religion has little do to with yours, especially where you think it does. My doctrine does not agree with you, and it sure as Abraham doesn't support you.
Shabbat Shalom, Mother Fucker