27 November 2008

Hypersphere Driver

Freewrite #2: Association and Derailment on the word "Creation"

~Creation, Bara, Yetzirah, Nothing from Infinite, Something from Nothing, Something from Something, and on to Something's end. Spark upon the void through nothing, through wisdom and understanding landing in knowledge's empty embrace. A tree, leaves wreath the crown, roots ensare the kingship below the Trumpeter's foundation. Light through the canopy, past the percusionist's perch, through feather and fire and down deep diving into dirt.

Behold! A line, cutting through spirit, crashes against the slimy shore of inanimacy, incongruent and inflammable, flaring fast up tunnels of roc and griffin, wonder wings, amber gleam past Bull and Hawk and Tiger and beligerent Biped. Bazak! Down the tree and back, as above so below, below so above.

A conductor's wand tip taps, roaring silence divides perfect unity. Promenade past paintings exhibited upon Fowl's Legs, great gates crashing gonging shimmering shining birthing banging light from shrouded curtain boiling bubbling rising BOOM!

From order to chaos, broken shards of clay create creation.~

A little respite from my usually bloodlusty dark style. I'm versatile, I swear!

My thoughts and prayers to those subject to terror and violence in Mumbai.


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