29 November 2008

Anti Gay Marriage = Treason

If you have ever said this:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

You have entered into a contract. You have pledged your absolute loyalty to this country and the ideals for which it stands. You have given your oath upon the symbol of freedom and equality that binds this country together.

If you have then voted against the civil rights of any individual of this country YOU ARE GUILTY OF TREASON. The text that you willingly and knowingly agreed to clearly states: "With Liberty and Justice for all". It does not say "for some, so long as we call their rights something else", it does not say "for only those with whom we agree". The pledge of allegiance to the United States of America could not more clearly state that EVERY citizen of this country is entitled to Liberty and Justice.

I will be more specific: if you live in California and you voted yes on Proposition 8, or live in Arizona or Florida and voted on the equivalent measures, you have committed treason. You have directly violated the pledge that you took, and should be prosecuted as traitors.

This is not an extreme viewpoint, I am simply taking you at your word. If you do not want to be held to this level of legal standard, do not EVER say the Pledge of Allegiance. For those who have already said it, man up and accept the contract you signed.

There is no in-between, there is no maybe. If you pledge loyalty to this country, you cannot then selectively practice its ideals.

Anti-Gay activists are TRAITORS
Those who voted against gay marriage are TRAITORS
Those who actively subvert the rights of others are TRAITORS

Do not claim the privileges afforded by this country if you are unwilling to uphold its most basic tenets.

28 November 2008

Thoughts on Mumbai

1) CNN keeps trying to tell me that this is al-Qa'ida, but I am
hesitant to believe this. al-Qa'ida's methodology (to my knowledge)
is: quick, brutal, high body count, with high levels of martyrdom
(usually suicide bombing on a large scale). I see none of these
elements in Mumbai. Going into a hotel with guns and grenades?
Sounds more like a militia to me, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
The attacks have been going on for hours now, yet the body count is
only at 160 (give or take). Militants have been engaging Indian and
World officials with poor accuracy and inefficiency. If these
terrorists wanted maximum impact (as, I believe, al-Qa'ida would) they
would have gone into the hotels, not with guns and grenades, but with
powerful explosives strapped to their chests. Maximum impact would be
piles of rubble where once were major hotels.

2) I keep hearing that these attacks were well-executed. I do agree
that the attacks are far reaching and certainly terrifying, but
well-executed? There has been time for civilians, even Americans and
British who have been primary targets, to evacuate. Members of the
press are within camera range of the conflict, and (at least in some
areas) civilians are not very far from combat zones. I do not
consider that good execution, at least not from the standpoint of
causing terror. It, again, sounds more like a military style action
than a splinter-cell terrorist attack.

3) These attacks have a personal tinge to them. If the baddies in
Mumbai didn't care about the lives of civilians than they would not be
engaging peace-keeping forces. They would not be using bullets, they
would be using explosives. That this attack, though horrific, seems
to have more of a capture than a kill element shows me that the
baddies don't want to kill those that they don't feel deserve it.
True terrorism is blind, large-reaching attacks that do not care if
the victims share ideologies or nationalities. Even if there were
other members of the same organization in the building, it wouldn't
matter: the hardcore level of terrorist like al-Qa'ida spare NO ONE.

4) In contrast, the attacks on the Chabad community center were quick,
efficient, and lethal. That looked more like a professional hit than
anything else. I propose that, perchance, these are two separate
groups; one capitalizing on the chaos created by the other. It is
just as likely that this is a two-tiered attack, but the disparity
between efficacy of the two seems too much to me.

Those are my current theories, feel free to tell me off and call me a
wanker. I am only a layman.


27 November 2008

Public Lapdance

Let's make a porn.

You and me, right now.

Don't worry, no one's watching. In fact, just relax; let me do all the work.

Trust me.

You like magic? Make you all hot and bothered? I got a magic trick for ya:
I'm gonna be completely naked WHILE KEEPING ALL MY CLOTHES ON.

mmmmhm, I'm gonna make you go crazy, I'm gonna make you sweat, make you scream.

With words.

That's right, this is going to be a text-based porn. Like erotica, you ask? Well......no.
See, erotica is actually pornographic. This is going to be...literary. That's something, right?

Wait wait wait wait wait! Ok, ok, so its not porn. It's more....public nudity. Scratch that, I AM putting in some effort. Let's call it a...public lapdance (TITLE OF THE POST). I get naked, proverbially naked, that is. I dance around a little bit, shake my word junk, strip off some pronouns, shimmey some dangling participles down my predicate, and add far too many commas, parentheticals (but only when they're important), and NEEDLESSLY EMPHASIZED ALL CAPS.

Did you catch that? My shirt, fwip, GONE. I'm all man above the belt, baby. Well...there's chest hair, so that's something. Muscles.....muscles are for losers! Yeah! Only steers and queers have muscles in their upper body....if you have upper-body muscles Santa won't bring you presents (unless you're Jewish, in which case he WILL bring you presents, just to fuck with you). Check out that strange, V-shaped chest hair. Like a wolverine. Like an inverted wolverine without sharp teeth or claws.

Did I mention this'll be the longest striptease you've EVER HAD? Stay tuned....rawr


Hypersphere Driver

Freewrite #2: Association and Derailment on the word "Creation"

~Creation, Bara, Yetzirah, Nothing from Infinite, Something from Nothing, Something from Something, and on to Something's end. Spark upon the void through nothing, through wisdom and understanding landing in knowledge's empty embrace. A tree, leaves wreath the crown, roots ensare the kingship below the Trumpeter's foundation. Light through the canopy, past the percusionist's perch, through feather and fire and down deep diving into dirt.

Behold! A line, cutting through spirit, crashes against the slimy shore of inanimacy, incongruent and inflammable, flaring fast up tunnels of roc and griffin, wonder wings, amber gleam past Bull and Hawk and Tiger and beligerent Biped. Bazak! Down the tree and back, as above so below, below so above.

A conductor's wand tip taps, roaring silence divides perfect unity. Promenade past paintings exhibited upon Fowl's Legs, great gates crashing gonging shimmering shining birthing banging light from shrouded curtain boiling bubbling rising BOOM!

From order to chaos, broken shards of clay create creation.~

A little respite from my usually bloodlusty dark style. I'm versatile, I swear!

My thoughts and prayers to those subject to terror and violence in Mumbai.


16 November 2008

Myrdmonic Carbonizer

Freewrite 1: Association and Derailment on the word "Dominance"

~Dominance is not aggressiveness, or so dog trainers tell me. Despite what porn sites attempt to clue me in on, I don't think dominance is leather and whips and suspension and master slavers downing mutant behemoths in the Wastes (too much Fallout 3). Dominance, not control, not leadership, dominance. Pecking order, order of operations, + before - but only after /. Calm, unmoving, unstoppable, righteous, commanding.

I prefer aggression. No illusion of control, real aggression. Spitting violence and blood-stained air and sounds so guttural another must be using your Colombian Neck-Tie. A beast, chained, cornered, fed, watered, sheltered, bored. Feral, primal sputterings, angry mutterings aside, not snide, without pride but with an unquenchiable desire to kill. Seeing beating and pumping and heat and sweet and salty and red. Mist upon a battle-worn sea to the Gates of Gre'thor. Pride ourselves on our control, how above the fray we may believe a pacifistic passivistic fluffly white mess, but I know the rest.

Grab behind the spine, little lines flow to all the important mumbo jumbo just to keep us from falling over, dust in the windy night. Pushing purpose poses problematic pristine postulates perverse penetrations privvy to popular punishment. Sparks fly down highways to hamhocks bottlenecking before busting open the beast within. Red...

Fear the taste of blood, not for its taboo well-to-do crime against the brood, but because it might taste good. I wonder upon the precipice debating falling or jumping, but the ground will find me less regard. If upon my last breath, my whimpering, sputtering finale, my own life tastes sweet before my eyes, let it be known that I lived a life less livid, sans sanguine, andante ante agressivo.

Pockmarcked pores, pus pouring protrusions, perverse preclivity, predispotion for pain or perhaps simply pious. Canis Calcitite, all too white, desiring more than coexistance. Desiring Dominance.~

Tadaa! Now I sound like a serial killer! Mission Accomplished! Just a little mad rambling inspired by some of my ongoing works and some...interesting little trists (nothing unlawful, I promise). I hope you all enjoy my delirium!

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